Makeup Monday-Mascara, part deux

A year or so ago I recommended my favorite mascara (by Sonja Krashuk), but of course that was the signal to Target to have it discontinued. So I’ve been wandering in the mascara wilderness for a couple of months now. Mascaras, more than any other product, rely heavily on adjectives… Read More

Makeup Monday–Concealer

I have the most horrid, nasty undereye circles. It has been thus since I was a wee lass. I remember my mother taking me to the doctor as a kid to see what in the world was the matter with me. Turns out it’s just bad genetics and pale skin.… Read More

The Promenade

It’s been Prom time around here. We have a no-dating-til-age-16 rule which means this was the first year that York and India were both old enough to go. India went with her boyfriend, Ethan, to both the school Prom and MoPro (Mormon Prom) where there aren’t so many skanky dresses… Read More

Makeup Monday–Must-Have Item

I know you’re expecting me to tell you about that mascara or lipstick that you simply must have. Here’s the absolute most important thing you need: Sunscreen Yep. Every single day. Winter, summer, even if you live in Oregon and the sun hasn’t come out in days. If you can… Read More

Makeup Monday–Exfoliating

Whether you wear makeup every single day of your life or wear it just for special occasions, there is something that you need to be doing on a very regular basis: exfoliating.  As I’m sure you remember from 8th grade biology, your body sloughs it’s skin all the time. Sometimes… Read More

Makeup Monday: Long-Wearing Lipstick

It’s Makeup Monday and I’m here to preach the gospel of lipstick (especially long-wearing lipstick that lasts all day). If you’re a long-time reader of my blog, you’ve heard me rant about this before but I simply must insist that all women wear lipstick. Really. Unless you’re fourteen and have… Read More