This could have turned out so badly

I’m feeling lots better today, thanksforasking. Turns out the antibiotic I’m on is the same one used for people who are exposed to anthrax. Although that makes me feel slightly strange, I guess it means this medicine gets down to business. To change the subject, I’m a big fan of… Read More

Itching for a scratch

Central Texas has quite the infestation of mosquitoes this year. We had a very wet spring and now we are celebrating buy buying lots of cans of insect repellant. We have the typical dusk-loving mosquitoes, but this year there seems to be a brazen new strain of bugs that come… Read More

Super awesome parenting tip

Not to brag or anything but my kids behave pretty well in public (when you have a lot of kids, there simply isn’t room for a lot of naughtiness. One bad kid is just a handul. Six bad kids is a recipe for total insanity). Last week I took them… Read More

Me: talking and talking

Have you just been dying to hear me talk in real life? No? Well, here’s your chance anyway! Mutual of Omaha contacted me to do a tiny, little piece about an Aha moment that I’ve had (they’re going all over the country interviewing people about their Aha Moments). Sadly they… Read More

How hard can it be?

I must utter the phrase, “how hard can it be?” at least once every week or two; every time I think of something that I want to create or copy from someone or fix around my house. I wouldn’t consider myself cheap. Sadly, not at all. But I only like… Read More

Ice cream! Get your ice cream!

I know a lot of you are just getting the first inkling of Spring where you live, but this is Texas and it’s been glorious for several weeks now. We know that summer will be here soon because we heard the dulcet tunes of the ice cream man yesterday. We… Read More

A little Italian cheese

It’s just as I suspected after my happy post yesterday.  Nobody is interested in me when my life is good.  You only want the embarrassing/bitter/snotty Jennie. Will do! Here is a nice little story for you: it will make me sound utterly unsophisticated because it’s about food, and in that… Read More

Sister Evangeline’s Dirty Forehead

There is a low-point in everyone’s High School career and mine was Algebra 2 with Sister Evangeline.   I went to an all-girls High School at a Catholic convent despite being a life-long Mormon. About half of our teachers were nuns (who, I was disappointed to find out, did not… Read More