Some Things I’ve Been Making

A couple of weeks ago one of my readers,Tiffny, pointed out that my blog has been really gross lately; weevils, lice, rats . . . Yep, I’m most definitely guilty.  It’s a strange thing when you blog; there is the group of bloggers who feel like they should present a… Read More

Red Ribbon Week (whee!)

It’s Red Ribbon Week. Oh joy. I love to rant and rave about how stupid it is (you can read about it here). There is no way that having weird hair/crazy socks/wearing pajamas is going to keep my kids off drugs. That’s the whole point of red ribbon week, right?… Read More

All Quiet on the Texas Front

Back to school today. All the things I did: Had kids set out clothes. Got up early to shower and do makeup. Accidentally put on red lipstick (the 16 hour kind. Which meant I had to do the rest of my makeup decently too). Red lipstick requires a certain mindset.… Read More

How Not To Lose Kids’ Goggles

Just about every day we go swimming in one of our neighborhood pools. If you have kids and are a frequenter of public pools you know how impossible it is to keep track of swim googles. Every summer we start out with one pair for everybody and somehow by the… Read More

Crazy Cereal Week

Kids love having family traditions but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that a lot of traditions are a real pain for the parents (especially the mom). Being pragmatic like I am, I try to keep my job uncomplicated but I don’t want to suck the joy out of my… Read More

Father’s Day for the Fatherless

Ok, I’m not exactly fatherless. I have a father; he’s just been dead for a very long time. And we weren’t exactly close so missing him has really never been an issue. But this is an odd Father’s Day because my husband is also gone (gone as in “not here”.… Read More

Why May is Horrid

You guys. YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS!  Last week. It was a killer.  As in “poor me I was a crying, mean zombie by the end of it”. It was the last week of school. Normally it is a busy week; all the concerts and whatnot.  But this year it soared… Read More

It’s Star Wars Day!

I nearly forgot that today is the official Star Wars Day. (The unofficial Star Wars Day for fans is the other 364 days of the year). I can’t believe I came this close to not reminding everyone. Fortunately I have Kacy who keeps me apprised of all the milestones in… Read More

The Book Fair

It is time at our Elementary School for the semi-annual book fair. Which I hate. And not just because we are on a very limited budget and the last thing I want to be spending money on is the hardcover version of Super Diaper Baby. I’m just playing; Super Diaper… Read More

Homemade Cards and Other Birthday Finery

My birthday yesterday was glorious. Nothing terribly exciting happened other than that I ate so much delicious food, which is really the whole point of a birthday. And I got some lovely presents and laughed a lot. The birds seemed especially chirpy, the clouds were extra billowy and the wildflowers… Read More